Amb motiu de la trobada/conferencia Hidden Earth 2013, és produí un interessant vídeo de benvinguda, que ens plau inserir en
aquest post.
El vídeo mostra com és l’espeleologia a
Gal·les (i el Regne Unit). El seu disseny és una barreja divertida de clips de
pel ·lícula. Un poema de Kei Miller titulada "Fins que també vosaltres haguéssiu viatjat" constitueix
la base de la presentació. Més de 40 espeleòlegs, molts d'ells membres de South
Wales Caving Club, apareixen en diversos estats de disconfort ... alguns d'ells
fins i tot estan gaudint de les seves experiències.
'Until you too have journeyed'
Until you too have journeyed through caves,
through miles of damp and bats, the cool
of all that is not living; until your one torch
has flickered out and you have found yourself
in a dark so dark you forget your eyes
or if they are opened; until you've had to find
a way, inch by careful inch, stopping to invent
a way, inch by careful inch, stopping to invent
an arrow out of wind; until you discover
how the feel and sound of stone or pebble
can exist without an image, the very thought
of colour competing for the air; until you too
have lost the day and the day has lost you
and it dawns on you, how foolish to have come
willingly to where the dead are put - until then
do not scoff at what has become our common
do not scoff at what has become our common
language for tomorrow and hope, this bright opening,
this end of dark, the light at the end of the tunnel.
Kei Miller
Kei Miller
El vídeo: 8 minuts
El programa de la Hidden Earth Caving Conference
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